Massachussets based melodic speed punks will be releasing their self-titled LP though New Jersey based Hellminded Records. These fest loving punks released their latest single as their own anthem and appreciation for the Florida festival/party, "Everyone in Gainesville (Looks Like Someone I Know)" is streaming now exclusively with Punknews, see below.
The release is available digitally and on vinyl on April 16, 2021, you can click here to pre-order a copy of the record.
"There are few things I look forward to more than snapping on that wristband at Fest registration, texting a bunch of friends from around the country that I don't see often enough and launching into a weekend of hugs, singalongs and partying with people I love. Everyone in Gainesville (Looks Like Someone I Know) is a song we wrote after our first Fest that brings back all of those Fest vibes. Drinking too much, raging too hard, and having way too much fun."