by Sony Music

Singer/guitarist Kris Roe of the Ataris has posted an update on the band's website in regards to the band's forthcoming followup to 2003's So Long, Astoria.

The band will begin a 2-month recording session next week with producer Nick Launay (Silverchair, Nick Cave, P.I.L.) for fifteen songs for Welcome The Night. Roe describes the record as a concept album based in three acts, centering around a re-occuring dream I have had since I was a small child, as well as man's obsession with loss, hope and redemption," while the sound "is somewhat similar to Kent, Slowdive, Swervedriver, Doves, My Bloody Valentine… etc.; atmospheric, kinda moody rainy day music if you will. Welcome The Night will be released late this summer with a world tour in support.

Also, the band is now a seven piece, officially adding Bob Hoag of the Go Reflex on keys, Angus Cooke of Bad Astronaut, and a thus far unnamed third guitarist.