Explosions in the Sky have posted the entirety of their limited 2005 EP, The Rescue for download. The disc, originally part of a small-run series of albums released by Temporary Residence. The band had this to say about the disc:

So, for this, our idea was to write and record a song every day for two weeks (this later became eight days) and the rest of the two weeks would be spent trying to mix and master the results. No riffs were to be written beforehand; things would be pretty much made up on the spot. It seemed daunting but fun and, perhaps, instructive. A learning experience. A chance to try new instruments and new ways of thinking about writing songs

You can download the disc here.

The band is planning to work on their next album, and follow up to 2003's The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place this August and are aiming for a February/March 2007 release.