Today's stream comes from Gainesville, FL-based Radon. We've got a stream of the band's TWO new Split [7-inch] releases with San Diego's Shallow Cuts ("Winter Song" and "Ocean") and Japan's Worthwhile Way ("After the Rain Comes Sunshine"). All three bands will be appearing at Fest 14 in Gainesville (We're Sponsors!). Both splits will be available on November 6 and can be pre-ordered via No Idea.
You can find the stream on Radon's Punknews.org Profile. Click below to read singer/guitarist Dave Rohm's take on "Volume 1 Brooklyn."
"I wrote it after I saw a review [of Travis Fristoe and Aaron Cometbus'] 'zine/book. The reviewer was from the internet blog site called Volume One: Brooklyn.
The reviewer was saying that since Travis wrote a book about Radon and Vol. 1 wrote a review about that book, then Radon should write a song about Vol. 1 so that it would complete some kind of circle. As soon as I read that, my head was off and running, working on a new song … there is a Travis-related thing in the artwork."