Sgt. Scag
by Videos

Today we are super stoked to bring you the premiere of the new video by Northeastern ska punks Sgt. Scag! The video is for their new song “Everest” and was directed by Mike DeMatteo and produced by The Establishment. Speaking about the song, Steve Lonergan said,

"'Everest' is a song for all the people who ever had to attend a company kick off meeting or industry conference. Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, Snake oil salesmen, organized religions that pass a hat. All bad. All predatory. All nonsense. Plus, ain't New Haven pretty from up there?"

“Everest” is off their upcoming album (and their first since 1999) At Least More Than Halfway Dead which will be out on September 12 via Ska Punk International. Watch the video below!