As promised, here's our next Fest-related gift to you: A free compilation!
We've teamed up with several of the labels and bands associated with The Fest 9 to release the appropriately named Punknews.org Presents The Fest 9: A Free Compilation. This is actually the first of two volumes that will span a whopping 46 tracks from bands performing at The Fest this weekend in Gainesville, FL. And what a lineup it is! This volume boasts previously unreleased tracks from The Future Now, One Win Choice, Captain We're Sinking, Senders, Big Soda, and Annabel, as well as recently released jams from Make Do and Mend, Carpenter and City of Ships, among other soon-to-be favorites.
Each track comes tagged with the corresponding band's Fest performance schedule (day, venue and time) as well as the cover art created by the wonderfully talented Liana Kangas.
You can stream it right here and download it fo' free here. Come back Wednesday, when we'll be unveiling the second volume of the compilation.
1. The Future Now - "Frame the Mentor"*
2. Mayflower - "I Never…"
3. One Win Choice - "Who Threw Out the Itinerary?"*
4. The Dopamines - "Public Domain"
5. Captain We're Sinking - "Foster Brothers"*
6. A Wilhelm Scream - "Australias"
7. Senders - "The Sea's Weight"*
8. Make Do and Mend - "Transparent Seas"
9. Pianos Become The Teeth - "Filial"
10. Teenage Bottlerocket - "Skate or Die"
11. Gatorface - "Luxury Lost"
12. Tim Barry - "Thing of the Past"
13. Big Soda - "I Know You"
14. Annabel - "The Forgetting of Names and Faces"*
15. Jonesin' - "Lone"
16. O Pioneers!!! - "Hey! That's My Blood"
17. imadethismistake - "Evasion Tactics"
18. Big Kids - "Let's Make More Plans"
19. The Takers - "Curse of a Drunk"
20. Into It. Over It. - "Augusta, GA"
21. Carpenter - "Mean Things"
22. City of Ships - "Three Mile Bridge"
23. Dirty Tactics - "It Is What It Is"