Manchester Punk Fest has added more bands to their 2024 lineup. Scream, The Planet Smashers, Fresh, Spaced, Sean McGowan, Incisions, Zatopeks, 2 Sick Monkeys, Sam Russo, Tripsun, Soot Sprite, Shooting Daggers, Templeton Pek, Fluffy Machine, Custody, Bare Teeth, Lakes, T.S. Warspite, Martyrials, Ritual Error, Supera Morza, Stagedive Suicide, Regal Cheer, Buds, Noah and The Loners, Passionflower, The Earth and Me, Las Ratapunks, Shi No Numa, and Lynskey will now be playing the festival. These bands join the previously announced first wave lineup which includes Hot Water Music, Pissed Jeans, and Martha. Manchester Punk Fest will take place on March 29-31 , 2024 across 7 venues in Manchester, UK.