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Watch the new video by Ultrabomb!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by Ultrabomb! The video is for their song “Who Knows” and features footage from Bob Sweeney, Amanda Renee, CFredrics, Kyle Noseworthy, and PhilsaThrill. The video was edited by Bert Gragg. Speaking to Punknews, Greg Norton said,

“‘Who Knows’ is an examination of how we see others, and how they see us. Everyone has their own perception of reality. What matters to me, may not matter to you. It’s an everyday truth. Who knows UltraBomb? I hope you will soon. I know we are playing some of the best punk rock on the planet right now. I know, so will you. Thanks for checking us out.”

”Who Knows” is off their album Dying To Smile which was released earlier this year. Watch the video below!

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Devon Kay and the Solutions

Watch the new video by Devon Kay and the Solutions!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by the World’s Greatest Band Devon Kay and The Solutions! The video is for their song “Escape From The City” which is a cover of the song composed by Jun Senoue and performed by Ted Poley and Tony Harnell for the Sonic Adventure 2 video game. The video was directed and edited by Devon Kay. Speaking to Punknews about the song and video, Devon said,

“We hope this music video reaches Ben Schwartz. The voice of Sonic the Hedgehog. That dude is so ska-coded that if he hears this he'll likely take it to Paramount Plus and demand it be featured in the Amy Rose spinoff series that is inevitable and deserved. If you want a more serious answer everyone in the world should see this art.

Every time we play this song I refer to it as an "obscure video game cover" which it definitely is NOT. People lose their minds. Granted our version is probably the best version so that helps. Sonic fans are everywhere. Going fast is universal. Universal Fast-Care for All.

I've wanted to do a Video Game EP for a long time. This band is a band of video game players… Like everyone on this planet at this point. Video games are art to me. I don't watch a ton of movies… Not a reader… Love me some video games though. It started as a bigger project but we widdled it down to these two songs, for now. If this incredible product we've put together sells then I would confidently say you can see a full release of VG tunes. Tell us you want that. Thank you.”

”Escape From The City” is off Devon Kay and the Solutions’ EP Devon Kay and the Solutions and Knuckles which is out today via Ska Punk International and finds the band covering classic video game tunes. Devon Kay and the Solutions will be touring the US with Big D and the Kids Table and We Are the Union in November. Watch the video below!

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Bad Mary

Watch the new video by Bad Mary!

Today we are stoked to bring you the premier of the new video by New York-based punk rockers Bad Mary! The video is for the new version of their song “Don’t Know Where The Line Is” and was directed by bassist David Henderson. Speaking about the video David said,

“I liked the original video for the song - it was one of the first the band ever shot - and as this was a re-release, I wanted to do a kind of throwback to that first video. So, the old video is cut into the new video, and it’s projected on the screens behind us as we play the new version of the song. The screens and stage were designed by a former student of mine, Orion Forte, for a different production, but we were lucky enough to get their permission to come in and use them for the shoot.”

The song is off their upcoming Better(er) Days EP which will be out on July 16 and you can pre-order it right here. Watch the video below!

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Exclusive Videos

Watch a new video by Substitute!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by New York-based punk rockers Substitute! The video is for their song “Crossroad Game” which was shot by Tim Kaplowitz and directed and edited by Space Octopus. Speaking to Punknews about the song and video, guitarist and vocalist Paul Ridenour said,

"For this song, we wanted something that visually reflected the style and tone of the song, and I think the look of distorted video naturally goes pretty well with the sound of distorted guitars. We shot it on a really hot day in our practice space when the AC wasn’t working so we all look sweaty and gross, which I think is great. The song is about taking big, stupid risks because the world can be ugly and dark, and the thrill and the sadness of surrendering to them."

“Crossroad Game” is off their album Manic which was released in 2023. Substitute will be touring the Western US and BC starting tonight. Watch the video below!

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Bobby Mahoney

Watch the new video by Bobby Mahoney!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by New Jersey’s Bobby Mahoney! The video is for their new song “We Go On” and was directed by Elijah Reiss. Speaking to Punknews about the video, Bobby Mahoney said,

“For this "We Go On" video, I had my best friend and longtime collaborator, Elijah Reiss, go back through what he refers to as "The Mahoney Archives''- my old family home movies, and videos of my first junior high and high school bands, leading into the formation of Seventh Son, and onward up to present day! Elijah and his brother, Ethan, run 'Reiss Restorations' where they convert analog film to digital, which they did for my family a while ago, so we have been sitting on this footage and it seemed like the perfect song to use it for! Take a ride through Bobby Mahoney's history and lore with us! There are a lot of fun Easter Eggs for longtime fans, and it is a great vehicle for the song for first-time listeners as well!”

”We Go On” is off their upcoming album Another Deadbeat Summer which will be out on June 14 via Wicked Cool Records. Bobby Mahoney will be playing their record release show with Soraia, Idle Wave, and Feeny on July 12 at the Wonder Bar in Asbury Park. Watch the video below!

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Watch the new video by HEAVYHEX!

Today we are stoked to bring you the premiere of the new video by Long Island-based HEAVYHEX! The video is for their new song “Worthwhile” and was directed by Richie Duque. Speaking about the song lead vocalist Dave Gastiaburo said,

”’Worthwhile’ is a song about self worth. Emphasizing the importance of respect and sincerity in all relationships. If it isn’t being reciprocated and the connection is tilted, then prioritizing self care becomes essential. Sometimes the only person you can count on is you.”

The song is off HEAVYHEX’s album True To You which was released earlier this month via Bridge Nine Records. Watch the video below!

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The Penske File

Watch the new video by The Penske File!

Today we are super stoked to bring you the premiere of the new video by The Penske File! The video is for their song “Will We Ever Know” and features footage filmed on their recent tour of Europe by Victor Wiercioch. Speaking about the song, bassist and vocalist James Hall said,

“When writing this song I was definitely in one of the biggest lows of my life. The song comes from different perspectives that I imagined for myself and others all while going back to the question "Will we ever know?” As time drifts further from when the song was written, it continues to have different meanings. However, the thought of not truly knowing what the future has in store for any one of us holds true.”

"Will We Ever Know" is off their album Half Glow which was released in 2023 and spoke to guitarist and vocalist Travis Miles about it last year. The Penske File will be playing Pouzza Fest in Montreal on May 18 and will be playing a handful of shows around Ontario and Europe this spring. Watch the video below!

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The Sleevens

Watch the new video by The Sleeveens!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by The Sleeveens! The video is for their song “Metallica Font” and was directed and animated by Maxwell Sebastian. Speaking about the song, front person Stefan Murphy said,

“When I was a kid growing up in Dublin  I used to pretend that I loved Metallica just so that I could write their name all over my desk and schoolbooks etc. It’s not that I disliked them, it’s just that I hadn't really heard that many of their songs so I just played along with the gang so I could have access to the use of their font.  When I finally became familiar with their music I definitely liked it - but I feel like the power of their original logo was what really drew me in. I used to write everything in Metallica font for a few years.

The song is about friendship and having that Ride or Die comrade who means so much to you that you’d consider committing their name to Metallica Font. It’s basically about friends having each other's back.

I hope Metallica gets to hear it someday.”

”Metallica Font” is off The Sleeveens’ self-titled album which was released earlier this year on Dirt Nap Records. Watch the video below!

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Jason DeVore

Watch the new video by Jason DeVore!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by Jason DeVore of Authority Zero! The video is for his new song “Turn It Off!” And was directed by Eric Cannon. Speaking about the song and video Jason said,

”"A brilliant and very talented director by the name of Eric Cannon with Illmatic Productions brought the music video to life. I had this wild left-field concept one day when I was watching the latest Joker movie with the role played by Joaquin Phoenix. As I was watching it, I started picturing my song playing along to the scene where he’s walking down the hallway with his back turned to you and then when he turns around there’s that look of maniacal vengeance but yet somehow at peace and confident in his mentally ill mind. Directly following that scene was the carefree dance scene of him on the staircase and it all came together in my head--a 'this is it' moment. I instantly drafted a makeshift video with the actual footage from the film with 'Turn It Off!' playing in the background and it blew my mind how well it fit to the imagery and the storyline. I sent it off to Jeff and Em at Double Helix Records and they were instantly intrigued. We then tied Eric into the concept and he absolutely loved it. It’s unreal to me how well he was able to make the vision come to life as a short film. Some of the most memorable things about making this video was just how much fun it was acting. I love acting. I’ve dreamt of being an actor, as well as a musician, since I was a kid--an entertainer as a whole, I suppose. Watching the big screen and cinema has always been a favorite pastime of mine, so to get to do something that combines the elements of music and theatre of sorts just made this experience so unique and awesome for me.”

“Turn It Off!” is off Jason DeVore’s upcoming solo album ’Til The Voice Goes Out which will be out on June 7 via Double Helix Records, SBAM Records, and Caffeine Bomb Records. Watch the video below!

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Screaming At Traffic

Watch the new video by Screaming at Traffic!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by Winnipeg-based punk rockers Screaming At Traffic! The video is for their new song “Forsythia” and was host and edited by Travis Anema. Speaking about the song vocalist and guitarist Duncan Murta said,

”’Forsythia’ started out as a song about being locked indoors during the long winter months, and the self-imposed loneliness that comes with all of that. I was going to show it to the band when we came back from our March 2020 tour, but then lockdowns happened and the song took on a different meaning to me. 

I hope someone gets the weird reference the title is making, in regards to the pandemic.”

”Forsythia” is off Screaming At Traffic’s upcoming album If you play these songs at a party, you’ll bum everyone out which will be out on May 4 and you can pre-order it right here. The band will be playing Turbo Haus as part of Pouzza Fest on May 17 in Montreal, Quebec. Watch the video below!

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The Mendozaz

Watch the new video by The Mendozaz!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by Toronto-based pop-punk trio The Mendozaz! The video is for their new song “I’d Rather Be Listening To The Mendozaz”. Speaking about the song, guitarist and vocalist Jonny said,

“Our exercise in the power of suggestion! The mighty fist of indoctrination! We wrote the catchiest chorus we could think of and are ready to inflict it upon the world. It’s almost a challenge. Can you make it all the way through the song without getting it stuck in your head? Will you wake up in the middle of the night compelled to put on our record? Are spinach burritos delicious or what? We threw subtlety out the window and are leaping feet-first into this social experiment.”

”I’d Rather Be Listening To The Mendozaz” will be on their upcoming album Loafers which will be out on June 7 via Cartridge Heart. Watch the video below!

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Bad Mary

Watch the new video by Bad Mary!

Today we are stoked to bring you the premiere of the new video by New York-based punk band Bad Mary! The video is for their new version of “Better Days” and was directed by guitarist David Henderson. Speaking about the video David said,

”I’m never totally sure what I’m going to do with a video when we start shooting. I have a vague idea, like “Amanda in a game” … but it evolves on the day of the shoot as I see what kind of footage we’re getting. The great thing about being able to do green screen work is that as long as I make sure we get enough footage on the day we shoot; I can go away and make something work in my own time. I guess my brain has a plan somewhere, but it doesn’t always tell me what it is. So, the band shows up without too much of a clue about what we’re about to do. There’s a lot of trust there, which is great to have.”

Bassist Mike Staub said of the song,

”This song is about nothing going quite right. Early on I think we hit this point where our naturally sarcastic, cheeky mood started to seep into our music. It's a bit of a millennial battle cry, but we've all been there, right?”

Speaking about the song lead singer Amanda Mac added,

“’Better Days’ is a song about trying your hardest and just feeling like nothing is working out. We've all been there. We as people… we overthink, we feel paralyzed, we can feel like nothing is going our way - but the only thing to do is keep moving forward and hope that there are better (or maybe even betterER) days ahead. This song continues to mean more to me every day, and I love that it's been with us since the beginning.”

”Better Days” is off is off their upcoming Better(er) Days EP which features recorded and remixed versions of songs from their first album Better Days to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Better(er) Days will be out later this year. Watch the video below!

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Exclusive Videos

Scarboro : “New Normal”

We’re pleased to bring you a Punknews Exclusive premiere for NYC based punk hardcore punk trio Scarboro. The band have created a music video for their latest single “New Normal” which was released in February via WTF Records. Directed by Chris Warner and starring Lily Mo Sheen (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent) the video brings to life the internal struggle of confronting the darker side of mental illness. See below to check out the video.

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Screaming At Traffic

Watch the new video by Screaming at Traffic!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by Winnipeg-based emo punks Screaming at Traffic! The video is for their new song “General Ken O.B.” and was filmed and edited by bassist Paul Colman. Speaking about the song and video the band said,

“The idea behind ‘General Ken O.B.’ is self-destruction. The perspective we're exploring is someone in the midst of a bender, trying to justify it to themselves. They start off almost regretful but quickly give in to their worst tendencies. I think it's something a lot of people do, and while exploring giving that thought process a voice, I imagined it'd be cynical, sarcastic, and maybe even a little tongue-in-cheek.

For the video, we originally had the idea of doing something super DIY, and we looked at other DIY type projects and decided the found footage horror motif fit really well with the song. The whole tune is about self-destruction, teetering on the edge of it, and giving into it, and we thought we could capture that thought with the idea of us disappearing one by one throughout the night. It was directed and edited by our bass player, Paul, and we just brainstormed how we could make something fun, kind of spooky, and as stripped down as possible. The entire thing was shot in one night, without a crew of any kind beyond the four of us.”

“General Ken O.B.” will hit streaming services tomorrow and is off their upcoming album If You Play These Songs At A Party You’ll Bum Everyone Out which will be out everywhere on May 4. Screaming at Traffic will be playing Turbo Haus as part of Pouzza Fest on May 17 in Montreal, Quebec. Watch the video below!

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Runaway Ricochet

Watch the new video by Runaway Ricochet!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new video by Minneapolis-based ska punks Runaway Ricochet! The video is for their new song “Optimist” and was directed by Aaron Blaser. Speaking about the track lead vocalist Erik Saxton said,

”’Optimist’ is about the relationship between those who see the best in the world, and the people that take advantage of that goodwill. Personally speaking, I've had to be aware of becoming more jaded and not let it get the best of me. I think it's important to believe in people's general goodwill or intentions, just without the naivety of youth. I hope anyone who listens to the song gets a little mad for the times they were taken advantage of, but are also inspired by the idea that there are others out there who have gone through that strife.“

”Optimist” is on the band’s upcoming album Diminishing Returns which will be out on April 30 via Ska Punk International. Runaway Ricochet will also be touring the US including a performance at SPI Fest in May. Watch the video below!

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